Company introduction:
- Company name and type: Sepahan Steel Supply & Development Co. (Private Joint-Stock)
- The subject of the company is to perform all engineering affairs, including: design, construction and implementation of projects to the steel, oil and gas and petrochemical industries, electricity and electronics, water, steam and power transmission and heat _ operation, maintenance and repair of all equipment and facilities that are somehow related to the industries mentioned _ reconstruction and renovation of all industrial equipment _ design and implementation of architecture and construction projects in the country _ technical inspections and non-destructive testing in industries and providing laboratory services in the field of these industries – Design, installation, continuous repair and maintenance, automation systems, carrying out research projects and studies for the growth and promotion of the country’s industries _ Doing business in all of the above, including exports and imports _ doing all the work that is somehow related to the subject of the company and within the framework of the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran and is useful and beneficial _ investing in other companies and creating new companies _ It is possible to carry out the provisions of the subject of the company’s activity, if necessary, with the permission of the trade union assembly or the relevant union.